
CH Architekten AG

Neubau Baggenstos

Wallisellen, Switzerland, 2024

Die bestehende Liegenschaft an der Neugutstrasse in Wallisellen, entlang des Viadukts der Glatttalbahn, sollte durch ein Dienstleistungs-...

SSP Rüthnick Architekten

Fichtenberg High School

Berlin, Germany, 2024

Complete rehabilitation of a listed fourth track high school in Berlin-Steglitz: an inclusion school with focus on “vision” The high ...

bez + kock architekten

BDB Music Academy

Staufen im Breisgau, Germany, 2024

The Federation of German Brass Band Associations has built its music academy in an industrial estate on the outskirts of the town of Stau...

Serge Ferrari Group

Membrandachsanierung Dresden Hauptbahnhof

Dresden, Germany, 2024

MEMBRANDACHSANIERUNG MIT SUBTILER KONSTRUKTIVER OPTIMIERUNG Die Erneuerung der Hallenüberdachung des Hauptbahnhofs Dresden stellt mit fa...

Forma Architekten AG

Überbauung Sonnenhalden-/Goethestrasse

St. Gallen, Switzerland, 2023

Durch die Grundstücksarrondierung und dem frei werdenden Parkplatzbereich der Strassenparzelle entsteht ein neues Baufeld. Mit der Überba...


150 Camden

Boston, USA, 2017

150 Camden at Douglass Park is a new construction residential apartment building located in the Lower Roxbury Neighborhood of Boston. The...


Teton Mountain House

Jackson Hole, USA, 2022

Teton Mountain House is a ski-in, ski-out contemporary mountain home located within the Jackson Hole resort area. The chalet draws inspir...


Oyster Pond House

Chatham, USA, 2021

Oyster Pond House is a residential architecture and interior design project comprising the preservation of an original 19th century resid...


Amagansett House

Amagansett, USA, 2019

Amagansett House is a three-story, 7,000 SF vacation home in the Hamptons on Long Island. Secluded on over two acres of untouched woodlan...


The Whitney Hotel

Boston, USA, 2019

Built in 1909 as nurses’ housing for Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, the historic John Jeffries House sits at the corner of Charles ...


55 Brighton

Boston, USA, 2023

55 Brighton, a 77-unit mixed-use project that marks the completion of the Packard Crossing housing development in Allston, transforms a o...

Lechner & Lechner Architects

NVZ Itzling

Itzling, Austria, 2024

The Itzling local supply center in the north of Salzburg forms a striking urban gateway to the city and sets an architectural mark in the...


Iron Works

Boston, USA, 2022

Spanning two city blocks, the re-envisioned Cole Hersee buildings are the first phase of the 2 million square foot Iron Works development...


BioMed Realty Offices

Cambridge, USA, 2022

Hacin designed a warm and organic workspace with hospitable amenities for the East Coast headquarters of BioMed Realty, a leading provide...


83 Gardner

Allston, USA, 2020

83 Gardner Street is a four-story, 38-unit apartment building in Allston. The project is the first phase of Packard Crossing, a residenti...


The Factory Lofts

Boston, USA, 2020

The Factory Lofts is a new mixed-use project in Boston’s South End. Located at 46 Wareham Street within the South End Landmark District p...


Longwood Row

Boston, USA, 2020

Longwood Row is a combination of renovation and new construction work, preserving the Roxbury puddingstone townhouse structures at 2-5 Se...


The Tremont

Boston, USA, 2016

This multi-family housing development at 1478-1484 Tremont Street sets a new precedent for market-rate housing on Mission Hill, infilling...


Arlington House

Boston, USA, 2020

Arlington House is a boutique, five-unit residential building in Boston’s Bay Village neighborhood. The project includes the renovation o...


Jordan Lofts

Boston, USA, 2016

Jordan Lofts is an adaptive reuse, multifamily housing, and mixed-use project in Boston’s South End. Located in the emergent SOWA distric...

Dahinden Heim Architekten

Wohnüberbauung Eichwsistrasse

Hombrechtikon, Switzerland, 2024

Fünf punktförmige Gebäude werden abwechslungsweise versetzt und in Längsrichtung der Parzelle so zueinander angeordnet, dass jeweils drei...

Dahinden Heim Architekten

EFH Büelweg

Winterthur, Switzerland, 2023

Das Privathaus für eine Familie befindet sich in parkähnlicher Umgebung auf dem Heiligberg in unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft zu einem kleine...

Dahinden Heim Architekten

Wohnüberbauung Tim + Struppi

Turbenthal, Switzerland, 2024

Die Gemeinde Turbenthal liegt in einer Talsenke an einer Stelle, wo das Tösstal einen markanten Knick macht. Turbenthal war nie ein Bauer...


Residential Building ELIPSE

Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2024

Despite being a primarly profit-oriented residential development, the elliptical building, situated at the edge of a triangularly shaped ...

La Touche Verte

Place Favre - revalorisation des aménagements…

Chêne-Bourg, Switzerland, 2024

Le projet consiste à revaloriser la partie ouest de la place Favre, partie attenante à l’Avenue de Bel-Air, avec une reprise des revêteme...

Kaundbe Architekten

EFH Bierhüsli

Buchs, Switzerland, 2023

Das Haus zur Einlagerung von Eis und Kühlung von Bier wurde unter Berücksichtigung denkmalpflegerischer Aspekte in ein Bijou umgewandelt.

Rieder Facades

Rieder Campus glemm21

Maishofen, Austria, 2022

Beton ohne Zement, geht das? Ja, ist Wolfgang Rieder überzeugt, der sein Unternehmen auf die Reise mit dem Ziel „klimapositiv bis 2030“ g...

Rieder Facades

Van B. Very urban living

München, Germany, 2023

Ein Blick in die Zukunft des urbanen Wohnens Der renommierte Architekt Ben van Berkel vom Architekturbüro UNStudio hat in München einen ...

Rieder Facades

Heimeran Büroensemble

München, Germany, 2023

Lebendige Silhouette durch geometrische Rieder Fassade Das Heimeran Büroensemble in Münchner Top-Lage ist von einer markanten Architektur...

La Touche Verte

Les Allières

Genève, Switzerland, 2024

Aménagements extérieurs phases 31 à 51 Le projet est situé dans le quartier des Eaux-Vives, proche du CEVA et du tram comprend la réalis...

La Touche Verte

Crèche la Dent de Lait

Genève, Switzerland, 2024

Réaménagement d'un jardin d'une crèche comprenant: - La réalisation d’un sol minéral perméable - La fourniture et pose d'un jeu d’eau su...



Bucharest, Romania, 2023

The interior design for MOSH Bar&Dinner is a highly transformative space, located in the heart of Bucharest, Romania, smoothly shift betw...

KREOR Architekten + Ingenieure

New Bakery Café

Neuenstadt am Kocher, Germany, 2021

The new bakery café was built on the site of a former sawmill at the foot of the Brettach River, in the heart of Neuenstadt am Kocher. Th...

knippershelbig GmbH

LOVT Munich

Munich, Germany, 2026

Sustainable urban transformation project at a former factory site in Munich. A sustainable urban quarter is being built near Munich's ...

1moku co.

Aki Niseko

Kuchan-cho, Hokkaido, Japan, 2025

We are designing a landscape tailored to the climate of Niseko. This project aims to fully utilize Niseko's beautiful natural environment...

Yuko Nagayama & Associates

Tokyo Kabukicho Tower

Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 2022

This super high-rise building in Tokyo’s Kabukicho district, near Shinjuku Station, spans five basement floors and 48 stories aboveground...

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